What is Intimacy Coaching?


Intimacy coaching may sound daunting, but it’s actually an enjoyable experience that can bring about real change. I believe that change doesn’t occur solely through conversation, but through the actual experience.

During our sessions, whether in-person or on Zoom, we’ll engage in intimate and emotional experiences together, always within the context of defined boundaries.*

While some aspects may resemble talk therapy, my coaching goes beyond that. Instead of simply listening, I actively participate in the conversation and share my authentic feelings with you in the moment. This allows us to experience what it’s like to be in a relationship with each other, using our bodies, emotions, and erotic energy as teaching tools. By responding organically, you’ll learn and practice new ways of relating and using your energy.

We’ll engage in practices together that focus on attachment, intimacy, care, and erotic connection. Our sessions will be a sandbox where we get to play and practice relating in real-time. It’s an opportunity to explore and learn with the support of a coach.

In this work, growth happens beyond your comfort zone. The initial stages of learning or exploring something new may trigger feelings of discomfort or shame, but this is part of the experiential process. It takes bravery to be a beginner, and it requires courage and vulnerability to realize and release deeply held beliefs that no longer serve you. Embrace the journey and be willing to experience all emotions, especially those that may feel uncomfortable, such as embarrassment, shame, or awkwardness.

*Examples of defined boundaries might include personal space, physical touch, language or tone, sharing personal information, or types of physical interaction in order to avoid misunderstandings or uncomfortable situations. Defined boundaries can be negotiated and adjusted as needed, but it’s essential that all parties agree to and respect them for a healthy relationship.